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Background Audio with Playlist

Welcome to My Website

Enjoy the background music while you browse!

Current Song: Simpsonwave 1995 x Simpsonwave 1989
Sample GIF


What's up, guys? This is my website. Enjoy the background music while you browse.

If I ever become successful enough on YouTube, I might someday sell merchandise on this website.

Let's see if my friend @Syroryx can make a website like this XD.

If you are looking for a challenge, DM me on Discord. My username is noodles43210. I would put this challenge and its instructions directly on this website, but my friend told me this challenge is TOP SECRET. LINK TO MY CHANNEL For those who somehow ended up here without clicking the link in my description.

In this website, I will also discuss future plans and updates that I will make to my channel.

If you ever happen upon my channel and you're someone new to its depths, remember this: Stare too long into the abyss, and the abyss will stare back. Proceed with caution as it has very cringe content. IT HAS PURE UNADULTERATED, UNFILTERED, RAW CRINGE.